Disciples of Christ, Witnesses of Hope
In the Resurrection of Jesus we find hope and the prospect of everlasting life in heaven. But to obtain eternal life, we must recognize Christ’s call to be His witnesses. We must become his obedient servants.
The Annual Catholic Appeal, with its theme, “Disciples of Christ, Witnesses of Hope”, brings hope and the good news of Christ’s love to thousands of families and individuals throughout Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Funds generated through the Appeal help provide critical financial support to more than thirty pastoral, charitable and educational ministries. With continuing impact caused by the pandemic, when employment has dropped and the hardships of the needy have increased, the hope for the generosity of our parishioners is needed more than ever.
Many of you have received information about this year’s Appeal through the mail. Please take time to read the materials provided prayerfully considering your response. To learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal visit the diocesan website at www.cdow.org/annualcatholicappeal.